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  • Image of two fanny packs. One is teal with dark green illustrations and the other is blue with light blue illustrations. Both have a white patch that says, "The McElroy Family" in blue font. Both have black zippers. The teal fanny pack has drawings of the B.o.B. sigil, the extreme teen bible, Merle's arm, Magnus's ax, Taako's umbrella and hat, and a d20. The blue fanny pack has illustrations of a doll head, an angular snake, a shrimp with wings and halo, two hands waving, a ghost, and a horse.
  • A teal fanny pack covered in dark green illustrations with a white patch that says, "The McElroy Family" in blue. There are drawings of Merle's arm, the B.o.B. sigil, the Extreme Teen Bible, Magnus's ax, Taako's umbrella and hat, a d20, a crystal, and Stephen the fish in his bowl.
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McElroy Fanny Pack

Regular price $27.20 USD
Regular price $34.00 USD Sale price $27.20 USD

Perfect for Playing Dadlands!

Smallest strap loop 19" around
Widest strap loop 51" around
Fanny itself is 9.5" wide by 6.5" tall

Designed by Justin Gray. Check out more of Justin's work here: